We are aware of the diversity of our student base and the value we place on our language programmes

In addition to the core curriculum, our language programmes include Arabic 1, Arabic 2, French and Spanish delivered by our specialist teaching staff.

Added to this we deliver an English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme, to develop our non-English speaking students, which assists them to access the curriculum. The EAL programme is delivered by our highly qualified and experienced specialist teachers. All Orbital Schools are working towards accreditation by - ALFRI (Accreditation Language for Results International) for exceptional EAL provision.

Modern Foreign LanguagesÌý

Regular ProvisionÌý

  • Spanish (everyone)
  • French (everyone)
  • Arabic (mandatory for Arab nationals)

Regular Curriculum

Arabic (First Language) is available as an Option at GCSE (including for non-Arab nationals)

Fast trackÌý

Povision is extended to students who are proficient speakers and readers of Spanish and / or French to complete GCSE and / or A level examinations in those langauages as an additional subject. Assessment of proficiency is carried out by MFL teachers.

Home LanguageÌý

The following languages are provided at GCSE level (and potentially A level) for native, proficient speakers and readers.

  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Urdu (to be confirmed)
  • Sinhala

Provision in further Home Language examination entry is dependent upon the availability and qualification of supervisory staff.


Arabic 2 (as a foreign language) is offered as an After School Activity once per week.


Arabic Studies

Arabic 1Ìý
Arabic as a first Language is compulsory from FS1 – Y12 for students with Arabic passports, there are 22 MOE&HE approved Arab countries on this list, these include:

Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Arabic 2
Is provided as an Afterschool activity (Covid Restrictions apply, and this will only recommence once permitted).

MFL Programme

Both French & Spanish are taught starting in Key Stage 1, and continuing through Key Stages 2 & 3. In Year 8 students can choose between French or Spanish and can then consider taking either language at I/GCSE and A-Level.

Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies 1
Is offered from FS1 to Year 12 for Arabic Muslim students, Qataris and those holding regional passports.

Islamic Studies 2
Is offered to students from Year 1 to Year 12 for non-Arabic Muslim students and those who do not hold a regional passport, this subject is taught in English.